Orange Door Homes

Providing corporate short-term rental housing throughout North America


Our Story

Originally focused on providing long-term rental housing, we shifted our focus post-pandemic in 2022 to serving as a Corporate Short-term Rental Housing Provider.

We partner with landlords of commercial and residential properties, offering them a seamless and effective way to lease their units at scale to a reliable and reputable partner.

Our Mission

Our goal is to provide safe, comfortable, professionally managed housing to guests and travelers from all over the world.


Why Choose Us?

Consistent Rental Income​

Leasing with us will offer you a consistent, reliable source of rental income. We are a professionally managed and operated company that automates rent payments on the 1st every month.

No Costly Tenant Turnover​

Partnering with us negates the need for costly tenant turnover expenses. There will be no need for:

1. Unit deep-cleaning
2. Realtor commissions
3. Vacancy period in between tenants

Less Wear and Tear

Your unit will be professionally cleaned by our in-house cleaning team between each and every guest multiple times a month to ensure the unit is in pristine condition.

Leasing at Scale

We lease multiple units at a time, saving you the cost and hassle of collecting rent payments from multiple tenants every month. Partnering with us means operating your business efficiently at scale.


Our entire cleaning team is employed and managed in-house. This ensures accountability is on us to ensure cleaning and maintenance of the property is kept to the highest standards possible. It is in our best interest to both our partners and tenants that the unit is kept in pristine condition at all times.

Deep Industry Knowledge

Trust is the number one thing we value with our partners. Our entire business is built on YOU trusting US with your property.

We ensure every guest is screened before hand and take all pre-emptive measures regarding safety and security. Your property becomes our full responsibility and it’s in our best interest to maintain its upkeep.

We leverage a team of experienced operators, cleaners, and customer service representatives to seamlessly manage operations. Our entire process is managed and overseen by experts in the field. This ensures that everything is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.



The safety and security of our units are of the utmost importance to us, which is why we leverage technology to ensure we always have complete control. Tools we leverage include:


To Monitor who is going in and out of the unit

Smart Locks

To give us remote access to who enters and leaves the unit at any time

Noise Detectors

To ensure we are alerted if noise levels ever exceed a certain decibel level

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us via the links below or fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.